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Map orchards and track yields.

The Horticulture module is a useful enhancement to EBMS that gives the orchard manager or produce grower the ability to map orchards along with trees and acreage. The system will map the fruit or produce varieties within a block or field.

Track Yields

The general and harvesting labor costs are recorded for individual varieties, fields, or blocks. The system coupled with the piecework payroll system will track the total and average yields. Tracking a harvest using bin codes and employee information is a needed tool in managing a farm or orchard.


Manage Labor

The system gives the grower the tools to track employee information, process piecework payroll, and generate require reporting. Managing a variety of piecework, harvest bin rates, and fruit quality options has been greatly simplified with the EBMS Horticulture module. The module includes many management reports such as production per acre, labor costs per acre, and variety yield statistics.


Integrated with Payroll

The piecework payment system is integrated into the EBMS Payroll system to create a seamless way to track employee information, pay piecework employees, and manage labor costs.


Record Yields on the Go (opt)

Picker tickets can be electronically recorded and printed using a tablet in the field with the optional In-Field Harvest Manager software. 



  • Record the fields and blocks of specific fruits or vegetables along with the trees and acreage of each section
  • Track the yield for specific varieties, blocks, or farms
  • Record the variety, rootstock, date planted, and annual yield of each section
  • Report the average yield per acre for different blocks or varieties along with the general and harvest payroll costs
  • Calculate yield for each block using harvest codes such as bin or other container codes associated with picker tickets
  • Electronically record and print picker tickets in the field

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