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W-2, W-3 Forms with Corresponding Envelopes
W-2 Double-Window Envelopes, Gummed
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W-2 Double-Window Envelopes, Gummed
Product ID: TF66661
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$29.00 / 25 ct
$34.00 / 50 ct
$42.00 / 75 ct
$46.00 / 100 ct
$50.00 / 125 ct
Packs available in 25, 50, 75, 100, and 125 count
Select any of the accessories below to purchase them with this inventory item:
W-2 Set, 8-Part - Laser
$108.00 / 50 recip
Product Reviews
Size: 5 5/8 x 9 1/4" Gummed
Ensure immediate attention! Double-window envelopes come preprinted with the statement "Important Tax Return Document Enclosed".
Compatibility: For pre-printed W-2's only.
Secure: Printed lining to protect your privacy.
Quality: 24# white wove confidential double-window envelope.
Gummed flap seals securely when moistened.
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