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Reading data with a GET

All tasks, all properties

 - multi-level queries are not supported in MyEbms e.g. ...MyEbms/ABC/OData/ARCUST?$filter=ARCONTACTSs/any(s:s/B_PHONE eq '(800) 421-0771')
 - the API enforces a 60 second time out.  Query, $Select and page accordingly.
 - when reading large amounts of data (e.g. customer or inventory lists) using the SQL Mirror (an add-on EBMS module) is highly recommended.


Using a query

GET$filter=CUST_ID eq 'DOEJOH'

By natural key (note the single quotes, without the single quotes it is assumed to be an autoid)


By autoid


Query by date property

GET$filter=START_DATE eq 2016-04-23T00:00:00Z

Query by date property

Note that the time must always beging with PT (inidcation 'period:time') and then the hours and minutes should be suffixed with an H or M, respectively
GET$filter=START_TIME eq duration'PT16H12M'

Maximum 5 results

GET$filter=CUST_ID eq 'DOEJOH'&$top=5

Results 6-10

GET$filter=CUST_ID eq 'DOEJOH'&$skip=5&$top=5

Select specific properties

GET$filter=EMP_ID eq 'HARBOB'&$top=2&$select=CUST_ID,DESCR

Sample output

 "@odata.context": "$metadata#TASK(CUST_ID,DESCR)",
 "value": [
   "DESCR": "OData API documentation"
   "DESCR": "New EBMS Sale"

Select and expand specific properties

GET$filter=EMP_ID eq 'HARBOB'&$top=2&$select=CUST_ID,DESCR&$expand=CUST_ID_Reference($select=L_NAME)

Sample output

 "@odata.context": "$metadata#TASK(CUST_ID,DESCR)",
 "value": [
   "DESCR": "OData API documentation",
     "L_NAME", "Esh Computer Center"
   "DESCR": "New EBMS Sale",
     "L_NAME", "Doe"

Binaries and images

GET$filter=PAR_AID eq '7ABCIVTA17CR8TM0' and PRIMARY&$select=DETAIL&$expand=DETAIL

Sample output

 "@odata.context": "$metadata#INVENTRYIMAGES(DETAIL)",
 "value": [
    "UniqueId": "637243842745886264",
    "Value": "..... your BASE64 binary data....."