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Changing an entity using PATCH

Using a natural key

 "SHIP_DATE": "01/27/2019"

Using an AUTOID or guid

 "SHIP_DATE": "01/27/2019"

Using a query

You cannot patch an entity directly using a query since a query may match several records. Instead, you should do a GET, find the guid, and then do a PATCH

GET$filter=ID eq 'DOEJOH'&$select=Guid,AUTOID,INVOICE,Details&$expand=Details($select=AUTOID,INVEN)


 "@odata.context": "$metadata#ARINV",
 "value": [
   "Guid": "49515332-304a-3754-3637-394c45494730",
   "AUTOID": "2SQIJ0T7679LEIG0",
   "INVOICE": "TEST284849",
   "Details": [
   "Guid": "c18c750c-b97f-488c-a751-4932ecd99516",
   "AUTOID": "36U90NN66P729HA1",
   "INVOICE": "TEST284849",
   "Details": [ ]

Now you can patch the details using a @delta patch (you can only edit child tables from their parent).
In this example, we modify the first item, remove the second item, and add one new item.
Note that you can use #id or #removed instead of @id or @removed if your API doesn't work with @id or @removed

 "Details@delta": [