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Component Formula Tools

Manufacture and sell product with variable dimensions.

Add variable calculations to component lists rather than the standard fixed component list or BOM (bill of materials). The inventory formula tool is a swiss-army knife option that allows nearly any value within the component list to be modified using a formula.

Manufacture Product with Multiple Dimensions

The Component Formula Tool gives the user the option to create an inventory item with multiple dimensions, reducing the requirement to create a unique inventory ID for each possible dimension. This option is used when variable dimensions are required to calculate a materials list, component list, or BOM within a manufacturing batch.   Customized BOM can be generated for items with variable dimensions such as replacement windows, custom mill work, custom doors, and more.


Quote, Purchase, & Sell Product with Multiple Dimensions

This tool is used to price, inventory, and sell items with variable dimensions and variable lengths. This option adds additional data entry columns to the proposal and sales order dialogs that can be used by the component formulas. Record the custom length or dimensions of products in individual invoice or quote lines and generate pricing based on these custom dimensions.

Printer and Accessories


  • Add variable calculations to component lists>
  • Modify values within the component list using a formula
  • Calculate a materials list, component list, or bill of materials within a manufacturing batch
  • Create an inventory product with multiple dimensions
  • Generate a customized bill of materials for items with variable dimensions
  • Record the custom length of products in individual invoice or quote lines and generate pricing based on these custom dimensions
  • Enter multiple dimensions within a sales order or quote
  • Purchase items with variable dimensions
  • Dynamically translate between decimals and fractions
  • Replace key words on the component list description
  • Calculate linear dimensions
  • Calculate dimension based pricing
  • Component Reporting Tools

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