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Inventory Sync

Link the product catalogs between multiple companies.

Inventory Sync is an option to link the product catalogs across multiple EBMS data sets. Create multiple company data sets but maintain catalogs with the same product across all companies. This powerful synchronization tool saves redundant entry time and verifies common part numbers and descriptions. Product history, pricing, counts, and other details can differ between companies.

Sync Product Catalogs

When an inventory item is created within any one product catalog, the item is automatically copied to the inventory files within each company’s data set. This eliminates the redundant work of adding inventory items to multiple product catalogs and verifies that product information stays consistent between each company data set.

Product maintenance is simplified by automatically updating each catalog when product details are changed. Users can define the details that will be synced such as descriptions, images, and pricing. Product counts, values, and history are recorded per company and not synced.

View Stock Levels in Multiple Companies

View Stock Levels within Multiple Companies

This optional tool can be used to quickly view the inventory stock levels of other companies from within each company’s inventory file. This tool requires that the inventory IDs within the product catalog match. Matching IDs can be manually created or be synchronized using Inventory Sync.

View Stock Levels in Multiple Companies


  • Reduce the additional work to add inventory items within the product catalog of multiple companies
  • Verify the inventory part numbers and ID are common between each company
  • Quickly check stock within multiple data sets from a single dialog
  • Transfer product form one company to another without duplicate sales order and purchase order entry
  • Choose which product information to sync such as descriptions, images, manufacture, and pricing
  • Maintain product count, values, and history per company since this info is not synced

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