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Multiple Location Management

Track inventory within multiple stores, warehouses, or service vehicles.

The Multiple Location module of EBMS is an optional inventory enhancement feature that allows a single inventory item to be purchased, stored, and sold from multiple locations. 

Track Inventory in Multiple Locations

This inventory feature allows a company to track inventory counts within multiple stores, warehouses, or service vehicles. The module records sales and purchase history for each location and displays stock levels for convenient identification of available inventory.

Multiple Inventory Location Management

Transfer Inventory Between Locations

The Multiple Location option includes a convenient way to transfer inventory items from one location to another. Combining this module with the EBMS Profit Center option creates a powerful tool to manage inventory items within multiple locations, sales locations, or company divisions.

Multiple Inventory Location Management


  • Inventory can be managed in multiple locations including service trucks  
  • Inventory can be purchased into or sold from multiple locations  
  • Sales and purchase history is maintained for each location  
  • Warehouse can be optionally associated with a specific profit center or company division  
  • Facilitates inventory transfers from one location to another  
  • Bar code technology can be added to expedite inventory transfers from one location to another.  
  • Manage and purchase inventory for a specific location or simply choose all locations
  • Maintain inventory counts and history for multiple locations such as warehouses, sales locations, or vehicles.
  • Allow inventory management including purchasing tools to purchase or add stock to individual warehouses
  • Includes tools to efficiently transfer inventory items between locations. A sales order can access stock from multiple locations within the same document.
  • Combine the multiple warehouse module with the profit center module to create a powerful set of tools to manage multiple locations with the same data set rather than separate companies.

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