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Piecework Payroll Processing

Pay employees by the piece.

The Piecework Pay option within the EBMS Payroll Module allows the user to pay an employee by the piece instead of salary or by the hour.

Piecework Pay Rates

Work Codes within the system can contain piecework pay rates that are entered into the timecard in similar manner as standard pay. The number of pieces or units are entered into the timecard instead of the amount of hours. The unit pay is derived from the work code record rather than the employee's hourly or salary pay entered within the employee record.

Makeup Pay

The system will calculate makeup pay if the employee’s pay does not meet minimum wage requirements. The amount of time spent doing piecework is calculated using the daily hours feature of the payroll system. Recording the daily hours time of an employee is important if the employee is paid with piecework rates.

Hort Module Integration

The piecework system within EBMS can be combined with the Horticulture module designed for an orchard or produce grower. This combination allows the user to pay the employee by the piece and track the labor costs and yields per acre or block by using piecework and bin codes.


  • Pay employees by the piece instead of salary or by hour
  • Work codes can contain piecework pay rates
  • Calculate makeup pay if the employee’s pay does not meet minimum wage requirements
  • Calculate the amount of time spent doing piecework using the daily hours feature of the payroll system
  • Integrates with the Hort Module designed for an orchard or produce grower to pay employee by the piece and track the labor costs and yields per acre or block
  • Piecework Pay may vary per employee
  • Verifies minimum wage based on daily hour information
  • Includes Piecework Pay Reports

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