Sales quote
EbmsName, String)
Approval personPerson who approved the quote ACC_DATE (
Date, Nullable`1)
Quote approval dateDate that job was approved AppName (
Text, String, virtual)
App name ARQTDETs (
ARQTDET, reference, collection)
Quote details ArqtReason (
ARQTRSN, reference, virtual)
ReasonReasons for not accepting the proposal AUTOID (
EbmsAutoID, String, read-only)
Auto IDThe ID that identifies the record in EBMS B_ADDRESS1 (
EbmsAddress, String)
Customer address line 11st address of Customer B_ADDRESS2 (
EbmsAddress, String)
Customer address line 22nd address of Customer B_CITY (
EbmsCity, String)
CityAddress City B_ID_Reference (
ARCUST, reference)
Billing customer B_NAME (
EbmsText, String)
NameName of Customer B_STATE (
EbmsState, String)
StateAddress State Barcode (
Barcode, String, virtual)
Barcode BarcodeType (
Text, String, virtual)
Barcode type C_ADDRESS1 (
EbmsAddress, String)
Shipping address line 1 C_ADDRESS2 (
EbmsAddress, String)
Shipping address line 2 C_ID_Reference (
ARCUST, reference)
Shipping customer CHG_ORDER (
Boolean, Boolean)
Change Order cmdSetStatus (
ARQTCmdSetStatus, SetStatus)
Set statusAccept, Close, or Reopen a proposal, including other details as necessary. cmdUpdateLocked (
ILockableCmdUpdateLocked, UpdateLocked)
Update lockedread the DBDOCLOCK and check if this entity is locked CONTACT_D (
Date, Nullable`1)
Next Contact Details (
ARQTDET, reference, collection, virtual)
DetailsTop-level details DISCOUNT (
EbmsFormulaText, String)
DiscountDiscount Terms associated with the quote DocumentsPath (
String, String, virtual, read-only)
Documents path DocumentsStatus (
String, String, virtual, read-only)
Documents status DUE (
EbmsFormulaText, String)
Sales due termNet Terms associated with this quote EC_RPT_NO (
Integer, Int32)
Report number EC_RPT_PDF (
BlobInfo, BlobInfo)
Boolean, Boolean)
EbmsText, String)
External ID FREIGHT (
Currency, Decimal)
FreightAmount of freight HANDLING (
Currency, Decimal)
HandlingHandling fee HiddenColumns (
Text, String, collection, virtual)
Hidden columns IDDISCOUNT (
EbmsID, String)
Iddiscount INVOICE (
EbmsIDSearch, String, read-only)
Most recent invoice number INVOICE_Reference (
ARINVHyperlink, reference, read-only)
Most recent invoice IsAccepted (
Boolean, Boolean, virtual)
Accepted IsClosed (
Boolean, Boolean, virtual)
Not accepted IsDeleted (
Boolean, Boolean, virtual, read-only)
Is deleted IsLocked (
Boolean, Boolean, virtual)
Locked IsNewEntity (
Boolean, Boolean, virtual)
Is new entityA virtual property that we can base computes off of to show if an entity is virtual JOB_ID_Reference (
JCJB, reference, virtual)
EbmsID, String)
Level ID LEVEL_Reference (
INPRICE, reference)
Level OtherReasonText (
EbmsText, String, virtual)
Other reason text PO_NO (
EbmsType, String)
PO number/JobCustomer PO number R_END (
Date, Nullable`1)
Recurring End Date R_LBILL (
Date, Nullable`1)
Recurring Last Bill Date R_START (
Date, Nullable`1)
Recurring Start Date RBCOUNT (
Integer, Int32, read-only)
Number of Billings RBDAYLIST (
EbmsText, String)
Recurring these days of the week RBDAYNAME (
Integer, Int32)
Day name of the week RBDAYNUM (
Integer, Int32)
Day of the month RBEVERYD (
Days, Int32)
Recurring every number of days RBEVERYM1 (
Integer, Int32)
Recurring every number of months RBEVERYM2 (
Integer, Int32)
Recurring every number of months RBEVERYW (
Integer, Int32)
Recurring every number of weeks RBEVERYY (
Integer, Int32)
Recurring every number of years RBMONTH (
Integer, Int32)
Month of the year RBSHOWDATE (
Integer, Int32)
Add Bill Dates to Inovice RBTIMEPER (
Integer, Int32)
Days, Int32)
Which day of the month REASON (
EbmsText, String)
Reason for not acceptingReasons for not accepting the proposal SALESMAN_Field (
EbmsPerson, String)
Sales personSalesperson entering this invoice SALESMAN_Reference (
ARSALESP, reference)
SalesmanSalesperson associated with the Quote SelectedDetail (
ARQTDET, reference, virtual)
Selected detail SHIP_DATE (
Date, Nullable`1)
Ship date SHIP_VIA (
EbmsID, String)
Ship via ID SHIP_VIA_Reference (
ARSHVIA, reference)
Ship via ShowCost (
Boolean, Boolean, virtual)
Show cost Title (
Title, String, virtual, read-only)
Title TO_B_SENT (
Boolean, Boolean)
To be sent TOTAL (
Currency, Decimal, read-only)
Invoice TotalTotal amount due WAREHOUSE_Reference (
INWH, reference)
WarehouseWarehouse associated with this proposal
Version, Updated on Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Creating a new proposal
"QT_DATE": "01/15/2020",
"QUOTE": "12345.2",
"DESCR": "Wholesale grocery shipment",
"MEMO": "multi – line memo \r\nSo much can be written here and can be printed at the bottom of the invoice",
"DESCR": "[Overwrite the EBMS description if you wish with this multi-line memo]",
"M_QUAN": "200"
"M_QUAN": "58",
"UNIT": "10.36",