APINVDET, reference, collection)
Invoice details ARCHI_PROJ (
EbmsText, String)
Architect project ARCHITECT_Reference (
RealARCUST, reference)
Architect ID ARINVDETs (
ARINVDET, reference, collection)
Invoice details ARINVs (
ARINV, reference, collection)
EbmsAutoID, String, read-only)
Auto IDThe ID that identifies the record in EBMS BEGIN_DATE (
Date, Nullable`1)
Begin/Contract date ClockInInternalNote (
EbmsMemo, String, virtual)
Internal note ClockInLabel (
Text, String, virtual)
Clock in label cmdUpdateLocked (
ILockableCmdUpdateLocked, UpdateLocked)
Update lockedread the DBDOCLOCK and check if this entity is locked COMP_DATE (
Date, Nullable`1, read-only)
Completed dateThe date that this job was completed COMPLET_BY (
EbmsPerson, String)
Completed byThe worker that completed this job CONTRACTOR_Reference (
RealARCUST, reference)
Contractor ID CurrentDaysTimecardTime (
Hours, Decimal, virtual, read-only)
Current day's time CustomTime (
EbmsTime, TimeSpan, virtual)
Custom time DocumentsPath (
String, String, virtual, read-only)
Documents path DocumentsStatus (
String, String, virtual, read-only)
Documents status DUE_DATE (
Date, Nullable`1)
Due date END_DATE (
Date, Nullable`1)
End date ENTERED_BY (
EbmsPerson, String, read-only)
Entered byThe user that entered this job EXTERNALID (
EbmsText, String)
External ID GroupedHours (
GroupedTotal, reference, collection, virtual)
Grouped hours INMFGs (
INMFG, reference, collection)
INRE, reference, collection)
IsDeleted (
Boolean, Boolean, virtual, read-only)
Is deleted IsLocked (
Boolean, Boolean, virtual)
Locked IsNewEntity (
Boolean, Boolean, virtual)
Is new entityA virtual property that we can base computes off of to show if an entity is virtual JCINVTRNs (
JCINVTRN, reference, collection)
Job transfers JOB_TYPE (
JobType, JobType)
Job type Key (
String, String, virtual)
Key LastDaysTimecardTime (
Hours, Decimal, virtual, read-only)
Last day's time LogHoursDate (
Date, Nullable`1, virtual)
Date OnlyLogHours (
Boolean, Boolean, virtual)
Only log hours PYTMDETs (
PYTMDET, reference, collection)
PYTMDETs SelectedTimecardDetail (
PYTMDET, reference, virtual)
Selected timecard detail SelectedWorkers (
JCJBEMP, reference, collection, virtual)
Workers SHIP_VIA (
EbmsID, String)
Ship via SHIP_VIA_Reference (
ARSHVIA, reference)
Ship via ShowHoursBy (
GroupHoursBy, GroupHoursBy, virtual)
Show hours by StageItems (
RealJCJBSTG, reference, collection, virtual)
Stage items StagePlaceholder (
String, String, virtual)
Stage placeholder STATUS (
EbmsID, String)
Status ID STATUS_Reference (
JCSTATUS, reference)
Status TASKs (
TASK, reference, collection)
TASKs TimecardDetailsDate (
DateDefaultedToday, Nullable`1, required, virtual)
Select dateSelect date to show timecard details Title (
Title, String, virtual, read-only)
Title UnprocessedJobTransfers (
JCINVTRN, reference, collection, virtual, read-only)
Unprocessed job transfers UseCurrentTime (
Boolean, Boolean, virtual)
Use current time WorkerClockedInto (
Object, Object, virtual)
Entity the worker is clocked into WorkerClockedIntoDescription (
String, String, virtual, read-only)
Worker clocked intoWhat the logged in worker is currently clocked into WorkerClockedIntoHyperlink (
String, String, virtual)
Link to worker's clocked-in task/job/etc. Workers (
JCJBEMP, reference, collection)
Workers WorkersHavingTimecards (
EbmsMemo, String, virtual, read-only)
Workers having timecards WorkersIds (
EbmsMemo, String, virtual, read-only)
Workers IDs
Version, Updated on Wednesday, December 11, 2024