Job transfer
EbmsAutoID, String, read-only)
Auto IDThe ID that identifies the record in EBMS Barcode (
Barcode, String, virtual)
Barcode BarcodeType (
Text, String, virtual)
Barcode type cmdUpdateLocked (
ILockableCmdUpdateLocked, UpdateLocked)
Update lockedread the DBDOCLOCK and check if this entity is locked EXTERNALID (
EbmsText, String)
External ID INTRANs (
INTRAN, reference, collection)
IsDeleted (
Boolean, Boolean, virtual, read-only)
Is deleted IsLocked (
Boolean, Boolean, virtual)
Locked IsNewEntity (
Boolean, Boolean, virtual)
Is new entityA virtual property that we can base computes off of to show if an entity is virtual JOB_ID_Reference (
JCJB, reference)
Job JobTransferDetails (
ARINVDET, reference, collection)
Details ReturnMode (
Boolean, Boolean, virtual)
Return mode Title (
Title, String, virtual, read-only)
Version, Updated on Wednesday, December 11, 2024