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API Data Types

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  1. BlobInfo
  2. Boolean
    1. ActiveStatus
    2. Option
    3. ReadOnlyBoolean
  3. BooleanNullable
  4. DateTime
    1. Date
      1. DateDefaultedToday
    2. DateTimeDefaultedNow
  5. DateTimeOffset
    1. DateTimeOffsetDefaultedNow
  6. Decimal
    1. Currency
      1. Price
      2. ReadOnlyCurrency
      3. TotalCurrency
      4. UnitPrice
    2. Hours
    3. PositiveDecimal
    4. Quantity
    5. Range
    6. ReadOnlyDecimal
      1. Total
    7. RowOrder
  7. guid
  8. Integer
    1. IntegerToBoolean
    2. Month
    3. Numeric
    4. PositiveInteger
      1. Days
      2. ShortYearEntry
      3. SmallPositiveInteger
  9. Object
    1. SerializableObject
  10. RuntimeEntity
  11. String
    1. Directory
    2. EbmsAutoID
    3. HexColorNoValidate
    4. ODataQuery
    5. Password
    6. PaymentTypeString
    7. Text
      1. AccountNumber
      2. Barcode
      3. Coordinates
      4. Description
        1. Header
      5. EbmsContactField
      6. EbmsDescription
      7. EbmsDescriptionLong
      8. EbmsFormulaTemplate
      9. EbmsFormulaText
        1. ReadOnlyEbmsFormula
      10. EbmsLocation
      11. EbmsPerson
      12. EbmsSerialNumber
      13. EbmsShipViaAmt
      14. EbmsShortVersion
      15. EbmsText
        1. AuthCode
        2. BatchGroup
        3. BatchName
        4. CCExpiration
        5. CCLastFourDigits
        6. CCType
        7. CVVCode
        8. EbmsFullName
        9. EbmsGLAccount
        10. EbmsTemplate
        11. EbmsText25
        12. EbmsTreeFlags
        13. EbmsTreeOpen
        14. EbmsTreePath
        15. EbmsYear
        16. PaymentAction
        17. PipePhaseEdit
        18. PpcCliID
        19. ReadOnlyEbmsText
          1. EbmsLogin
          2. PurchaseMethod
        20. ScannerId
        21. TankId
        22. TransactionId
      16. EbmsWarehouse
        1. EbmsWarehouseSelect
      17. Email
        1. EbmsEmail
      18. EntityType
        1. EntityTypeIcon
      19. FilePath
      20. HexColor
      21. ID
        1. EbmsNaturalKey
          1. EbmsLeftPadNaturalKey
          2. EbmsNaturalKeyCustom
          3. EbmsNaturalKeyTankId
          4. EbmsNaturalKeyTimestamp
          5. EbmsNaturalKeyTreeId
          6. ReadOnlyEbmsNaturalKey
        2. INMFGStatus
      22. IOName
      23. Label
      24. LongDescription
      25. OrderByProperty
      26. Phone
        1. EbmsPhone
      27. PredefinedQuery
      28. ProperNoun
        1. CapitalizedName
          1. PersonName
        2. EbmsAddress
        3. EbmsCountry
        4. EbmsName
          1. EbmsNameLast
          2. ReadOnlyEbmsName
        5. EbmsState
      29. PropertyName
      30. PropertyPath
      31. ReportName
      32. SelectableStatus
      33. SettingsContext
      34. SettingsIdentifier
      35. ShortText
        1. EbmsDivision
        2. EbmsExtension
        3. EbmsFax
        4. EbmsGLCode
        5. EbmsID
          1. EbmsIDSearch
            1. EbmsDepartment
          2. EbmsLeftPad
            1. CheckNumber
            2. EbmsBatchNumber
            3. EbmsInvoice
            4. EbmsTicket
          3. EbmsProductID
          4. EbmsReadonlyInventory
          5. EbmsTreeID
          6. EbmsUPC
          7. JobStageId
        6. EbmsPartNumber
        7. EbmsShipVia
        8. EbmsStringTime
        9. EbmsTimestamp
        10. EbmsType
        11. EbmsUnit
        12. FileExtension
        13. PipePhase
      36. StatusName
      37. Title
    8. VariableLengthString
      1. BooleanFilterOptionItem
      2. ConnectionInfo
      3. Expression
      4. FullTextSearch
      5. Hyperlink
      6. MultilineText
        1. EbmsMemo
        2. PlainTextNote
      7. PropertySelector
      8. RememberTemplates
      9. RichText
  12. TimeSpan
    1. EbmsTime
    2. EbmsTimeSpan
    3. Time
  13. TimeSpanNullable
Version, Updated on Wednesday, December 11, 2024