Customer contact information
Date, Nullable`1)
AnniversaryAnniversary date ARCUSSITESs (
ARCUSSITES, reference, collection)
Website logins ARCUST_AID (
EbmsAutoID, String)
Customer auto IDThe auto ID of the customer that this contact is associated with ARCUST_AID_Reference (
RealARCUST, reference)
CustomerThe customer that this contact is associated with AUTOID (
EbmsAutoID, String, read-only)
Auto IDThe ID that identifies the record in EBMS BillToARINVs (
ARINV, reference, collection)
Bill to arin vs BIRTHDAY (
Date, Nullable`1)
Birthday EDIT_DATE (
Date, Nullable`1, read-only)
Edit date EDIT_TIME (
Time, TimeSpan, read-only)
Edit time EDIT_USER (
EbmsPerson, String, read-only)
Edit userThe last user to edit this contact EXTERNALID (
EbmsText, String)
External ID INREs (
INRE, reference, collection)
IsDeleted (
Boolean, Boolean, virtual, read-only)
Is deleted IsNewEntity (
Boolean, Boolean, virtual)
Is new entityA virtual property that we can base computes off of to show if an entity is virtual MOBILE (
EbmsPhone, String)
MobileMobile phone number NAMETITLE (
EbmsName, String)
Personal title ShipToARINVs (
ARINV, reference, collection)
Ship to arin vs SUFFIX (
EbmsName, String)
SuffixName suffix (Jr, etc) TASKs (
TASK, reference, collection)
TASKs Title (
Title, String, virtual, read-only)
Title TITLE_Field (
EbmsText, String)
Title for OData queryingThis property is here to avoid naming conflicts with the default Title property for case-insensitive OData querying TITLE_ReferenceItems (
CONTACTTITLE, reference, collection, virtual, read-only)
Contact title items