Decimal, Decimal, read-only)
Actual time APP_CONF (
Boolean, Boolean)
ConfirmedAppointment confirmed APPROVED_C (
Boolean, Boolean)
Approved APPROVED_D (
Date, Nullable`1, read-only)
Approved on ASSIGN_EMP (
EbmsMemo, String, read-only)
EbmsAutoID, String, read-only)
Auto IDThe ID that identifies the record in EBMS BAD_LABEL (
Text, String)
This is a bad label BILL_TIME (
Decimal, Decimal)
Billable hours BillingAddress (
MultilineText, String, virtual, read-only)
Billing address BillToContactEmail (
Email, String, virtual, read-only)
Email BillToContactMobile (
Phone, String, virtual, read-only)
Mobile BillToContactName (
EbmsText, String, virtual, read-only)
Name BillToContactPhone (
Phone, String, virtual, read-only)
Phone CHANGE_D (
Date, Nullable`1, read-only)
Last modified onDate on which the task was last modified CHANGE_U (
EbmsPerson, String, read-only)
Changed by CLK_IN_EMP (
EbmsMemo, String, read-only)
Clocked-in workers, delimited ClockedInWorkers (
Text, String, collection, virtual, read-only)
Clocked-in workers ClockInLabel (
Text, String, virtual)
Clock in label cmdInvoiceDirections (
TASKCmdInvoiceDirections, InvoiceDirections)
DirectionsDirections to the attached invoices ship to address cmdUpdateLocked (
ILockableCmdUpdateLocked, UpdateLocked)
Update lockedread the DBDOCLOCK and check if this entity is locked CNTCT_AID_Reference (
ARCONTACTS, reference)
Contact COMP_D (
Date, Nullable`1, read-only)
Completed onDate on which the task was completed COMP_U (
EbmsPerson, String, read-only)
Completed by COMPLETED (
Boolean, Boolean)
Completed ContactEmail (
Email, String, virtual, read-only)
Email ContactName (
EbmsText, String, virtual, read-only)
{CustomerOrContactLabel} ContactPhone (
Phone, String, virtual, read-only)
Phone CREATE_D (
DateDefaultedToday, Nullable`1, required, read-only)
Created onDate on which the task was created CUST_EMAIL (
Email, String, read-only)
FollowUp, FollowUp)
Customer follow-up CUST_NOT (
Boolean, Boolean)
Customer notified CUSTINFO1 (
EbmsMemo, String, read-only)
Customer info 1 CUSTINFO2 (
EbmsMemo, String, read-only)
Customer info 2 CustomerIdDefaulted (
Boolean, Boolean, virtual)
Customer ID defaulted CustomerOrContactLabel (
Text, String, virtual, read-only)
Customer or contact label CustomerTitle (
Text, String, virtual, read-only)
Customer CustomTime (
EbmsTime, TimeSpan, virtual)
Custom time DOC_AID (
EbmsAutoID, String, read-only)
Document auto ID DOC_STAMP (
EbmsID, String, read-only)
Invoice detail stamp DOC_STAMP_Reference (
ARINVDET, reference)
Invoice detail DOC_TYPE (
DocumentType, DocumentType, read-only)
Document type DOCUMENT (
EbmsLeftPad, String)
DocumentID of document attached to this task DOCUMENT_Reference_ARINV (
ARINV, reference)
Sales invoice DocumentsPath (
String, String, virtual, read-only)
Documents path DocumentsStatus (
String, String, virtual, read-only)
Documents status DUE_BY (
Date, Nullable`1)
Due by DueDateTime (
DateTime, Nullable`1, virtual)
Due EMP_ID_Reference (
RealPYEMP, reference)
Worker END_DATE (
Date, Nullable`1)
End date EndDateTime (
DateTime, Nullable`1, virtual)
Boolean, Boolean)
Estimate ESTIMATED (
Decimal, Decimal)
Estimated EXTERNALID (
EbmsText, String)
Decimal, Decimal, read-only)
Hours per unit IN_HOUSE (
InHouse, InHouse)
Location InvoiceAddress (
MultilineText, String, virtual, read-only)
Invoice address IsClockedIn (
Boolean, Boolean, virtual, read-only)
Is clocked in IsClockedIn_LEGACY (
Boolean, Boolean, virtual, read-only)
Is clocked in (LEGACY) IsDeleted (
Boolean, Boolean, virtual, read-only)
Is deleted IsLocked (
Boolean, Boolean, virtual)
Locked IsNewEntity (
Boolean, Boolean, virtual)
Is new entityA virtual property that we can base computes off of to show if an entity is virtual JOB_ID_Reference (
JCJB, reference)
EbmsID, String)
Job stage JOBSTG_ID_Reference (
RealJCJBSTG, reference, virtual)
Job stage JOBSTG_ID_ReferenceItems (
RealJCJBSTG, reference, collection, virtual)
Job stage itemsList of possible job stages to choose from MANAGER_Reference (
RealTAMANAGE, reference, required)
Manager MY_BOOLEAN (
Boolean, Boolean)
Boolean - My_Boolean MY_DATE (
Date, Nullable`1)
Date - My_Date MY_DECIMAL (
Decimal, Decimal)
Decimal - My_Decimal (12,2) MY_DUPE__Reference (
ARINV, reference, required)
Integer, Int32)
Integer - My_Integer (5,0) MY_INVOICE_Reference (
ARINV, reference, required)
Text, String)
String - My_String (10) NonInvoiceLink (
Text, String, virtual, read-only)
Linked documentUsed to display the linked document number when the link is not an invoice link. PERC_ESTIM (
Percent, Decimal)
Estimate percent PIPE_PHASEItems (
PipePhase, String, collection, virtual)
Pipe phase PRIORITY (
EbmsID, String)
Priority ID PYTMDETs (
PYTMDET, reference, collection)
Timecard detail PYTMLOCATIONs (
PYTMLOCATION, reference, collection)
PYTMLOCATIONs RelatedIncludeCompleted (
Boolean, Boolean, virtual)
Include completed RelatedResults (
TASK, reference, collection, virtual, read-only)
Results SALESMAN (
Text, String, read-only)
String - Salesman SelectableType (
TaskType, reference, required, virtual)
Task type SerialNumber (
INRG, reference, virtual)
Serial number SerialNumberDescription (
EbmsMemo, String, virtual, read-only)
Serial number description ShipToContactEmail (
Email, String, virtual, read-only)
Email ShipToContactMobile (
Phone, String, virtual, read-only)
Mobile ShipToContactName (
EbmsText, String, virtual, read-only)
Name ShipToContactPhone (
Phone, String, virtual, read-only)
Phone ShipToCustomerName (
ARCUSTHyperlink, reference, virtual, read-only)
Customer START_DATE (
Date, Nullable`1)
Start date StartDateTime (
DateTime, Nullable`1, virtual)
Start STATUS (
EbmsID, String, read-only)
Status STATUS_Reference (
TASTATUS, reference, required)
Status StatusColor (
HexColorNoValidate, String, virtual)
Status colorHex color to indicate the task status TAEMPs (
TAEMP, reference, collection)
Workers TATYPESs (
TATYPES, reference, collection)
TATYPESs Title (
Title, String, virtual, read-only)
Title TYPE_Reference (
TATYPES, reference, required)
Task type UPDATE_BT (
Boolean, Boolean)
Update billable time from actual time UPDATEQUAN (
Boolean, Boolean)
Update document ordered from billable Time UseCurrentTime (
Boolean, Boolean, virtual)
Use current time WAIT_PART (
Boolean, Boolean)
Waiting for parts WORKCODE (
EbmsID, String)
Work code ID WORKCODE_Reference (
PYWORK, reference)
Work code WorkerClockedInto (
Object, Object, virtual)
Entity the worker is clocked into WorkerClockedIntoDescription (
String, String, virtual, read-only)
Worker clocked intoWhat the logged in worker is currently clocked into WorkerClockedIntoHyperlink (
String, String, virtual)
Link to worker's clocked-in task/job/etc. WorkerClockInStatus (
ClockInStatus, ClockInStatus, virtual, read-only)
Worker clock-in status