Purchase document detail
EbmsAutoID, String, read-only)
Auto IDThe ID that identifies the record in EBMS B_QUAN_VIS (
Quantity, Decimal)
Back ordered ConsumedDetails (
ARINVDET, reference, collection)
Consumed details DOC_AID_Reference (
APINV, reference)
Invoice DOC_AID_Reference_INMFG (
INMFG, reference)
Reference inmfg DOC_LINKED (
EbmsText, String, read-only)
LinkedList of linked documents DOC_TYPE (
DocumentType, DocumentType, read-only)
Document type ETA_DATE (
Date, Nullable`1)
Boolean, Boolean, read-only)
INATINVDET, reference, collection)
EbmsMemo, String)
Internal Note INTRANs (
INTRAN, reference, collection, virtual)
INTRANs IsDeleted (
Boolean, Boolean, virtual, read-only)
Is deleted IsDescription (
Boolean, Boolean, virtual, read-only)
Is description IsIncoming (
Boolean, Boolean, virtual, read-only)
Is incoming IsNewEntity (
Boolean, Boolean, virtual)
Is new entityA virtual property that we can base computes off of to show if an entity is virtual JOB_ID_Reference (
RealJCJB, reference)
EbmsID, String)
Job stage ID Lots (
LotItem, reference, collection, virtual)
Lots Materials (
APINVDET, reference, collection)
Materials list O_QUAN_VIS (
Quantity, Decimal)
OrderedThe number of this item used to make a single item of the parent type, in terms of the current unit of measure (the UNIT_MEAS field). O_SHIP_VIS (
Quantity, Decimal)
ShippedThe number of this item used to make a single item of the parent type, in terms of the current unit of measure (the UNIT_MEAS field). PAR_TIME_Reference (
APINVDET, reference)
Parent recordMaterials list parent record PO_AMOUNT (
Decimal, Decimal)
Amount (P.O.) PURC_M_VIS (
EbmsText, String, read-only)
Purchase method RDATE (
Date, Nullable`1)
Received Date SerializedItems (
SerializedItem, reference, collection, virtual)
Serialized items SHIP_DATE (
Date, Nullable`1, read-only)
Date shipped SHIP_VIS (
Quantity, Decimal)
Shipped (HxM)The total number of this item shipped, in terms of the currently selected unit of measure (in the UNIT_MEAS field). Title (
Title, String, virtual, read-only)
Title UNIT (
PositiveDecimal, Decimal)
Unrounded PriceUnrounded unit price, not shown to the user UNIT_MEAS (
EbmsID, String)
MeasureUnit of measure UnitOfMeasure (
Uom, reference, virtual)
Unit of measure UnitOfMeasureItems (
INVENUNT, reference, collection, virtual)
UOM itemsThe UOMs available for sale with the selected product. WAREHOUSE_Reference (
INWH, reference)
Version, Updated on Wednesday, December 11, 2024