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Insider Series | Small Feature-Adds That Make a Big Difference

6/17/2020 - 3:55:43 PM

Watch this video to learn about several of the smaller feature-adds in EBMS 8.3 that make a big difference!

This episode is part of an ongoing video series demonstrating tips, tricks, highlights, and features to help you get the most out of your Eagle Business Management Software.  In today's video, Nathaniel is bringing attention to several feature-adds in the most recent version of EBMS that bring high value.

As we learn and grow with our clients, we are committed to improving the software to work even better for our clients. Flashy new tools have their place but today we are taking a quick look at a few simple improvements that can make your day easier

This video covers -

  • How to expense labor in real-time, even before payroll is processed
  • An easy way to calculate overtime for all time cards with a single-click
  • Steps to efficiently change ID's of various entities, including customers, vendors, inventory, workers and G/L accounts, in a batch 
  • A simple way to generate direct electronic payments for vendors
  • An explanation of origin vs destination based sales tax and how to set the correct setting
  • Improved information and undo options in the account reconciliation dialog

There are other great feature adds in EBMS version 8.3, many more significant than these.  Click here to view.

If you find this helpful and you'd like to continue learning how to use EBMS to its fullest capabilities, be sure to subscribe to our email list, and you'll be notified when the next EBMS Insider Series video is published.

Looking for more? Check out more episodes here.

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